Monday, February 17, 2020

South Congress Hotel

For my most recent trip to Austin I stayed at the South Congress Hotel on…South Congress Avenue! This hip little boutique hotel hit all the marks on my hotel meter.

When I checked in I was told that I had received an upgrade. That’s always good news to my ears, and makes a great first impression.

Spacious and well-appointed room: check!

Great view of South Congress Avenue: check!

A bathroom that doesn’t make you feel claustrophobic: check!

A comfy chair and light where you can relax and read: check!

The hotel also has a cool bar/lounge area that is vibrant on the weekends.

The pool area was empty when I stayed, most likely due to the cooler temperatures and rain.

High marks for SCH: a definite Daveland recommendation for your next trip to Austin, Texas!

See more South Congress Hotel photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    You are livin' the dream Dave. KS
