Monday, January 13, 2020

Midget Monday

Hard to believe, but at one time Disneyland had three Autopia attractions: the main one, the Junior Autopia, and the Midget Autopia. This summer 1959 image yields a few fun detailed views. You can just see this little girl smugly pulling rank on her younger brother and loving it!

Looks like a broken headlight!

A vehicle under a tarp, waiting to be put into circulation:

A previously posted trio of color shots from February 1960. I am pretty sure these girls were the inspiration for the “Redrum” twins from “The Shining.”

There they go, cruising off into the depths of evil and depravity.

The Midget Autopia went away in 1966, and was donated to Walt's home town of Marceline.

See more vintage Disneyland Midget Autopia photos at my main website.


  1. Great, now they have a car. Danny Torrance had better pedal that Big Wheel a lot faster if he wants to get away.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    As a little kid, I really thought I was driving the car. I loved it at night...when the headlights were working. I think that's the only car attraction that had them which made it all the more realistic to me. KS

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    A few years ago I heard that Marceline was raising money to restore the Midget Autopia. I'm not sure where that process is now...

  4. Both the 1959 and 1960 shots have a broken right headlight. Could it be the same car that wasn’t repaired?

  5. Stu, I remember that Kickstarter campaign. Despite my pledge, they got nowhere close to the goal. Maybe I put the decimal in the wrong place...

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Chuck, I did a little research (ok, very little) and I found out that the city has poured the concrete for the track and built a covered waiting area. The report I found was from May of 2019, and it said that they were rebuilding the track and refurbishing the cars next. So, maybe they really are going to pull this off!

  7. Thanks for checking Stu - would be great if it actually happens!
