Friday, December 06, 2019

Haunted Mansion History For Sale!

More items today from the upcoming December 7th Van Eaton Galleries History of Disneyland auction. This post is for the Haunted Mansion nuts (of which I am one!). Anyone interested in an original Haunted Mansion Model Ghost Maquette?

An incredibly rare 1969 maquette of a pop-up ghost from the original model of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. This rare artifact was rescued by an Imagineer working at WED when the model was dismantled. The haunting figure is constructed of plaster, fabric, and hair over a metal spring that was attached to the model. Measuring 3.5" tall

Haunted Mansion Door Knocker Prop, c.1970s-80s. An original prop door knocker from Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. The prop is cast in metal so that when animated (through a small hole in the mount) it would create a realistic "knocking" sound. The prop is a functional and exceptionally rare artifact from the attraction's iconic Corridor of Doors. Measuring 7"x4.75" and 3" deep.

Are you a Grim Grinning Ghost fan?

How about some original Grim Grinning Ghosts Sheet Music?

An original 1969 vocal lead sheet used by actor Ernie Newton while performing the vocals for the Beheaded Knight within the Haunted Mansion. This sheet music is for the iconic theme song Grim Grinning Ghosts, and has many handwritten notes and changes throughout from its original use, which helped Newton in this memorable performance. This incredibly rare sheet music is an astounding artifact in the history of the Haunted Mansion. Measuring 13"x19" when opened.

This next auction is listed as an original Haunted Mansion Stretching Portrait.

An original c.1969-70s hand-painted stretching portrait on canvas used within Disneyland's Haunted Mansion attraction. As the elevator descends, the portraits would "stretch" to reveal their full image. However, the consistent "stretching" would eventually cause some wear to the canvas, and these portraits would need to be replaced. In the early years of the attraction, the portraits were all hand-painted with imagery designed by Imagineer Marc Davis, whereas later versions were printed. This stretching portrait depicts the man standing on a barrel of dynamite. The canvas measures 130"x35" and the portrait is in very good condition with some wear from use. These portraits are exceptionally rare and sought-after artifacts from the earliest years of the Haunted Mansion.

While it appears to be an original Mansion-used portrait, it is definitely not an original Marc Davis. Here’s a vintage shot from December 1969. Compare and contrast, folks!

Set of 3 1960s Haunted Mansion Changing Portrait Concepts.

A set of original concepts by Imagineer Ed Kohn for a series of changing portraits to be used within Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. The set includes an original painting in acrylic and marker on art board, and two pencil drawings on art paper. The two drawings appear to be early renderings for Guy Fawkes, who was originally planned to be included as a talking portrait rather than a changing portrait. These concepts range in size from the smallest 8.75"x8.5" painting to the largest 11"x8.75" drawing.

Are you Mansioned out? Want to bid? Check out the upcoming Van Eaton Gallery auction for yourself!

See more Disneyland Haunted Mansion photos at my main website.


  1. Thanks for the link. Lots to see there. The most surprising thing about that sheet music is that it's forward. I had always heard ( various Disney history books ) that Grim Grinning Ghosts was recorded backwards then played in reverse so the song would go the right direction. The result was an otherworldly sound where the bass strings would reverberate up to the moment of the strike, not a strike then a reverberation like playing it normally would.

  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    snag that door knocker for me please

