Friday, October 04, 2019

Trinidad's Hat

The White Wings was Disneyland’s name for the cast members who wheeled around the Sanitation Department (SD to keep it clean!) carts and swept up the poo from the horses on Main Street. One of the best known White Wings was Trinidad Ruiz, who had a distinctive large mustache. How many Sanitation workers do YOU photograph when you got to the Park today? I rest my case. This guy must have been pretty nice. In this 1957 black and white image, he is not wearing the usual white pith helmet that he sported. I wonder what happened?

This October 1956 Town Square image shows you what I'm talking about.

He looks like he’s ready for a break.

Another 1956 shot of Trinidad, back in Central Plaza.

Just a reminder....“S.D.” does not stand for San Diego.

See more Disneyland Central Plaza photos at my main website.


  1. You've had some really great Disneyland stuff lately, Dave!

  2. Thanks Major - you as well. I don't always comment (because I'm too lazy to sign in most of the time!) but I enjoy seeing your blog.

  3. Don't you think that pith helmet would have been heavy?
