Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday On The Mighty Mark Twain

Presented in chronological order (surprise!) is this set of vintage images featuring Disneyland’s Mark Twain. The first two are from 1956. Naturally, I had to zoom in to gawk at the guests; dig that Mickey Mouse balloon!

This nighttime shot of the Twain is a personal favorite from my collection.

Moving ahead a decade here are three shots from October 1966:

Final one for today is from April 1970:

See more Disneyland Mark Twain photos at my main website.


  1. Would have to agree with the nighttime shot being a favorite. That is beautiful. Gosh I miss working the river at night... conducting deck watch in a pea coat, standing near the boiler on the lower deck to stay warm. Working my way up the staircases, greeting guests, hearing about there day and finding out where they are from. Finally, arriving in the Captain's Quarters and up the stairway to the Pilothouse. The old Pilothouse used to have a steam heater to keep the Captain warm on those cool (and sometimes down right freezing) California winters. Good times my friends... good times.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  2. Matt - i love hearing your memories! They bring the Park alive!

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Yep, like Matthew...those were the days. I forgot about that steam heater in the Wheelhouse. Nothing better than to ring the bell and blow the whistle. KS

  4. I am so jealous of you guys. And that nighttime shot is a beauty for sure, Dave. Thank you all for sharing.
