Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Welcome to Disneyland, February 1960

Today’s Time Machine takes us back to February 1960. The E.P. Ripley and Passenger Cars are parked at the Main Street Train Station ready to take another batch of guests on a Grand Circle Tour of Disneyland. Will the young couple with the stroller make it? They better hurry! Too blurry to get any really cool views of the Disneyland News Stand.

Image #2 shows the Kalamazoo Handcar in front of the Land of Pueblos Passenger Train.

A closer look. Unfortunately, the population count on the station is blocked in this shot.

See more Disneyland entrance photos at my main website.


  1. OK WAIT!!! I'm really confused right now... what are those people doing behind The Disneyland News Stand? As far as I know there is no pathway over there. It looks like a guy is standing near the top of the berm and the train tracks? WHAT'S GOING ON??!!

  2. Whoops... pushed send to soon.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle : )

  3. Guy probably lost a contact.
