Monday, July 29, 2019

July 1955 in 3D, Pt. 1

This set of 3D images may or may not be from opening day, July 18, 1955. In order not to be crucified by the nitpickers who overlook the coolness and decide to focus on the veracity of the date, let's just say they’re from July 1955, okurrrrr? These photos are presented in genuine FauxD©.

The camera on top of the temporary tower would let us know that these shots are either from that historical PUBLIC opening day of July 18 or shortly thereafter. And how about those vintage cars in the Parking Lot?

The Colorado Rockies Passenger Car awaits you at the Main Street Train Station:

This barren landscape is the entrance to Frontierland, complete with tree stumps. Sleeping Beauty Castle is quite a contrast!

The crane in the background is most likely part of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship construction which was still going on when the Park opened.

A nice closeup of the Castle:

…and a detail shot of the onlookers on the drawbridge. Check out that tiny stroller! How did people get by without the huge monstrosities that they bring to the Park now?

More to come from this amazing set!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Don't get me started on strollers... Anyhow, great shots and very impressive to see the crane and camera platform. Those are some things I'm not sure if I've ever seen before, at least not from that angle. ( Never seen the camera platform from the opening. That's great. )

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Hard to imagine how primitive it was back then. Disney was a master showman...his "Disneyland" series on ABC profiling the construction of the Park generated a lot of interest in folks coming as soon as it opened. I remember that series on my folks 13" B&W TV in Cincinnati. At 4 years, I was captivated by what the Park would be. Been a fan ever since, and a former CM at that. KS

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Might that tower be the one that was constructed to take the time-lapse movies of the park under construction?

  4. Dave, I'm sorry if I came across as a nitpicker on the 17th. Not my intent at all. I get into discussions on other sites where the regular crowd enjoys trying to pinpoint dates and locations, and I sometimes forget where I am when I step out of that community. I hope you'll forgive me for thoughtlessly dragging that obsessive mentality along with me to your site.

    Everything you post has an inherent coolness because you go out of your way to collect such interesting, historically-significant imagery and then take the time and expense to share it with the rest of us. They are truly a treasured resource. I can't thank you enough for your generosity to the community. And 3D images taken July of 1955 are a rare treat. Looking forward to the next installment(s)!

  5. Bryan - Yes - I would love to get you started on strollers as we are kindred spirits on that issue!

    KS - Your contributions to my site will always be appreciated!

    Anonymous - That might be correct!

    Chuck - It's all good. My text in the post was just my way of making it known I didn't know for sure as some people (usually someone anonymous, definitely not you) choose to be somewhat rude in their comments. You are always a welcome addition to the conversation!

  6. Olivia9:40 AM're somewhat of a sleuth, hey? :) Also, why on earth was it called Chicken of the Sea? Lol!

  7. Thanks, Dave. I really was worried I'd unintentionally offended. And to enjoy Part 2!

  8. Olivia, I sense another research project coming on... :-)
