Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday on the Autopia, 1956

It still boggles my mind that kids at one time LOVED to drive the little cars on the Autopia; and I was one of those little idiots. Today, I dread traffic. I will do almost anything to avoid driving on the freeway...oh how times have changed. This quartet of 1956 images shows some of those happy little tots who are loving that they can actually drive a car...

without any guide track. Woah!

without any adult supervision (unless you count that cautionary hand of the cast member). Hot dang!

...and without any traffic jams. Hey...maybe Walt really was onto something!

See more Disneyland Autopia photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I realized just how close the Skyway station was to the loading area of the Autopia. That last photo shows them being very close. I wonder if that changed with the "New Tomorrowland" of 1967 or if it is exactly the same today?

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle
