Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Temple Tuesday: Tomato Red

In 1988, Shirley Temple Black released her autobiography, Child Star, and added best-selling author to her already impressive resume. Here she is exiting her limo, getting ready to sign books at Vroman’s, November 1988. At age 60, the actress and diplomat was just as stylish as ever, wearing her favorite color, Tomato Red. How do I know this?

Keep reading!

I am not the only one who has had frequent encounters with serendipity; Melissa (aka “The Colonel”) has graciously shared her story of Shirley Serendipity for today’s Temple Tuesday.

There are few memories as vivid as those I have of the day I met Shirley Temple Black. Shirley was promoting Child Star, and her first stop was B. Dalton Bookseller in NYC (see the ad above).

Dressed in a gray and black striped sweater, and sporting my saddle shoes, I arrived hours early so that I could be among the first to get her autograph.

But I wasn’t the only one with that same goal. While waiting for Shirley to arrive, I chatted with the other women who were in line. We shared stories of our admiration for Shirley, and armed with our cameras (no phones back then!), we snapped photos for one another.

Once I was composed enough, Shirley and I chatted a bit - all while she continued to sign autographs and greet others - a multi tasker to be sure!

She told me her favorite color was tomato red, and she pointed to the outfit she had on. "But I like this too!" she said, reaching out to touch my gray wide wale corduroy pants.

Of course, each one of us left on a high that we carried with us for a long time, but we also managed to exchange addresses so that we could send prints (no digital photos! no email!) to one another. Of the four other women I met, I remember getting the names and addresses of two of them, and yes, we shared our photos. And treasured the memory of that day.

This March, I arrived home to find a message on my voicemail. It was a woman by the name of Kathy, who said she’d found my name on the internet and saw that I was a Shirley fan. I returned her call, and we had a lovely conversation. Her mother, Marie (the lovely blonde in blue pictured with Shirley above and below), had only recently died, and she was a lifelong Shirley devotee. “She has a very small Shirley collection. I wonder if you’d like to have it.” I told her I would be happy to have anything that she sent my way. “I know there are photos of the day she met Shirley Temple in New York in 1988; I’ll send those too.” “I was there that day,” I said. “Wouldn’t it be funny if I were in one of the pictures?

About a week later, a small box arrived from Kathy. It contained some books, many 80s era clippings, a record album, and Marie’s signed copy of Child Star from that day in New York. In our phone conversation, Kathy said her mother instructed her, “Do whatever you want with my books, but don’t throw away the one signed by Shirley.”

Also in the box was a set of photos and negatives (remember those?!) from the book signing…and there I was. It wasn’t hard to miss the gray and black striped sweater. It seems that Marie was one of the four women that I spoke with that day. I was – and still am - shocked. Astounded. Overcome. Of all the people Kathy could have reached out to, she found one who knew her mother, who shared with her one of the highlights of her life. I must not have gotten Marie’s address on that day, as I didn’t recall her name or remember seeing some of these photos…but I’m seeing them now, as are you in this post.

Along with the envelope of photos were some cards and letters, including some from the other ladies that were with us. That day was as important to Marie as it had been to me, to all of us there. I noticed that Marie’s book was signed on the page with the photo, but mine was on the first blank page. I can’t remember if Shirley asked if we had a preference.

I do recall that when Shirley first arrived, she sported one of her favorite pieces of jewelry – the gold “spiky” bracelet. She quickly realized that signing her name while wearing it proved difficult, and she took it off and asked the young assistant to wear it for her.

I saw that bracelet at Heritage’s auction in December 2016, and in dozens of photos before that. I tried to wear it, but it was so tiny. A friend was able to add it to her collection that day. I’m glad I know where it is. I’m also glad to have received this collection from Kathy. I think Marie would be happy that it came to me.

Melissa, I am thrilled that you shared this special story with us. Just another example of how serendipity can shine down upon us when we least expect it. And speaking of serendipity...how cool would that be if one of my readers was also there that day and had photos, too? There are at least two people in these pics with cameras that day as well. C'non...step forward now!!

See more photos at my main website.

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