Monday, March 25, 2019

Chicken of the Sea: That Girl!

Our denim-on-denim gal that we saw at the Castle today is doing her best Marlo Thomas on the deck of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship in Fantasyland. Aren’t you digging her 70s style?

Actually, by the time this October 1977 photo was taken, the “Chicken of the Sea” Pirate Ship had been re-branded as “Captain Hook’s Galley.” Who needs that pesky “Chicken of the Sea” sponsor?!?

A detailed view of the menu:

I’m not sure I’d want anything from Mr. Smee’s Kitchen.

See more vintage Disneyland Chicken of the Sea photos at my main website.


  1. "I’m not sure I’d want anything from Mr. Smee’s Kitchen." I was thinking the same exact thing

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I think I vaguely remember that menu change with the meatball sandwich.

    Her outfit is pretty subdued for the late '70's.

    Thanks Dave.


  3. How easily amused we were back then. To sell a sandwich they put "hot" in front of it. Today a common cafeteria burger is $15 and features the words "brioche" even though it's just a regular bun.
