Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Skyway Construction

If you’ve been to my main website before, you might have seen this previously posted shot of the Fantasyland Skyway Station at Disneyland under construction. This recently acquired image provides a nice “next step” shot of how the station looked shortly thereafter. Also note the hinges on Dumbo’s ears; those disappeared when they became a maintenance nuisance.

Let’s zoom in on the station, shall we?

Final shot today shows the finished product, which I am sad to say was recently leveled. Torn down. Razed. 86ed.

What a beautiful structure this was:

See more vintage Disneyland Skyway photos at my main website.


  1. That Fantasyland station was probably the best looking station I'd ever seen for a skyway, not just within Disney but all theme parks in general. Too bad they couldn't re-purpose it. I never knew about the early Dumbo's having hinged ears, either. First I've ever heard of that. Great shots.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I always enjoyed the Fantasyland station, slowly walking up the stairs and hearing the yodeling music. The trees and flowers were so perfectly themed. For a young kid of the late 50s early 60s, it was a favorite spot away from the heat and sun. The quality of the craftsmanship can't be matched today. What a tragic loss. KS
