Friday, January 25, 2019

The Hotel Vertigo

Where does an Alfred Hitchcock fan stay when visiting San Francisco? The Hotel Vertigo, of course!

That's right; this is the very same location that we see Kim Novak leaning out the window in Hitchcock’s classic 1957 film “Vertigo.” The exterior really hasn't changed too much over the years.

Inside, the decor and colors are definitely influenced by the movie’s poster.

When you see an interior room, you can tell that Hitchcock did his best to re-create the same layout on a soundstage.

If only the rooms came with a green night light; THAT would be a cool touch!

If you hate the color orange, this hotel may not be for you.

Other film inspired details throughout the rooms abound:

No visit to the Hotel Vertigo would be complete without a few stairwell shots:

All kidding aside, would I recommend this place? I sure would. For price, location, and cleanliness, this place is a real value!

See more Hotel Vertigo photos at my main website.


  1. I love that they embrace what they're famous for. That spiraling wall art is perfect.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Dave, this is a wonderful find. Thanks for posting it. Will seek this place out for sure.

    We often stay at the Adagio, just a few blocks away. Also with an old movie/stage theme appropriate for the theater district.


  3. Thanks JG - I will be sure to check out the Adagio!

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