Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2018 Reflection

Like any other year, 2018 had its ups and downs. It was an amazing year for Daveland with the usual travel (I keep saying I'm going to slow down) and growth opportunities for my photography. Here goes my Reader’s Digest version of the last year.

In an attempt to get back into shape, I ramped up my running, completing a few short ones and doing my first half marathon in over a year. While my time was not impressive, it still felt good to be back in the game.

It seemed like a good year for love as I did one surprise engagement shoot:

And two weddings:

So much for “I don’t shoot weddings!”

I climbed to the top of the California Tower to observe some incredible views of Balboa Park:

A number of shots from my vintage collection were included in the Taschen published book by Chris Nichols' titled “Walt Disney's Disneyland.”

Here I am seeing the book at the Taschen store:

...and the actual image from my collection featured on the two-page spread:

As the official Going To Guides photographer, my work was included in Shannon Laskey’s DCA update book. Here are a few of the images:

How about this blast from the past?

The biggest thrill was running into Shannon at the Chateau Marmont of all places!

My shot of a Frank Lloyd Wright home in Marion, Indiana made the cover of Indiana Preservation magazine:

A number of my photos were purchased over the year as well, including these from New Orleans:


and Santa Rosa:

Favorite trips included New York City where I met the bestie, Christy, and also got to lunch with super talented artist and Gene Marshall creator Mel Odom:

I also did my best to recreate a classic James Dean shot. I don’t think modeling is in my future. I can hear Mr. Mackey now: “Smoking is bad!”

Shooting with Broadway and film dancer/actor Julius Anthony on the steps of St. Thomas Church was another highlight of NYC:

A visit to the actual house used in “A Christmas Story” when I visited Cleveland:

My first trip to Miami yielded a magazine cover from one of my shoots:

The late Shirley Temple’s 90th birthday provided the opportunity to meet her daughter Susan:

...and son Charlie:

They had come to Santa Monica to celebrate the reunion of Shirley’s scepter, crown, and gown from the dream sequence of 1939’s “The Little Princess.” Members of Shirley’s Army (including Melissa, aka “The Colonel”) pose proudly by the display at the Santa Monica History Museum:

Melissa’s return to California in November gave us the opportunity to visit some of the locations used in Shirley’s films:

Of course there were a number of visits to my favorite place on earth, the Chateau Marmont, where I got to stay where it all began back in 2001, Room 16:

Actress (and friend) Amanda Kruger visited for breakfast and a few photos during this particular stay:

Willis continues to enjoy his visits to the Chateau, which is his hotel of choice:

A home in the Hollywood hills provided the perfect backdrop for my last photo shoot of the year:

What’s in store for 2019? With three trips already on the docket, I know there will be posts about those as well as the usual vintage shots that I collect along the way. It’s been two years since my last visit to Disneyland, and chances are slim that 2019 will see my return. As my mom says though, “Never say never!”

I have really enjoyed exploring other things that this wonderful universe has to offer. Thanks for the visits, comments, and continued encouragement! See you on the next post!

View more of my photography at my main website.


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Happy New Year Dave. Look forward to your posts in 2019. KS

  2. Is that Matthew Hansen getting married?

  3. This was an awesome year, thank you for sharing it with so many Dave. We live vicariously through your adventures.

  4. You had quite a year! Thanks for all of your fun posts, and have a happy 2019.

  5. Thanks Dave for all the posts. May God bless you and give you another great year! Thanks for always being part of my day! Don't grow weary of well doing!!

    Always your pal,
    Matt McNabb
