Thursday, July 19, 2018

New York Public Library

The Stephen A. Schwarzman Building of the New York Public Library is the central building...the head honcho...the flagship...aka the main branch of all the New York Public Libraries. I just call it gorgeous.

If you've seen the "Sex and the City" movie, then you're familiar with this architectural beauty, which is where Carrie got ditched at the "altar."

I believe this is the staircase where that shot was taken. It was hard enough to get these shots without any people, let alone match the angles. Cut me some slack, please!

Moving on to some other breathtaking locations within this Beaux Arts wonder:

The Rose Main Reading Room:

Besides books and architecture, you can see great paintings that range from George Washington...

to Truman Capote:

The two stone lions that guard over the Library were sculpted by Edward Clark Potter. You might recognize them (and the building) from the 1978 movie musical "The Wiz."

If you're ever in New York City, this is definitely one stop to put on your agenda!

See more New York Public Library photos at my main website.


  1. ...and not one mention of being used for both interior and exterior shots in Ghostbusters? Harumph.

    That's cool that Truman Capote's portrait is there. He earned it.

  2. If you listen to podcasts, "The Bowery Boys" is all about the history of New York City. It's fascinating!
