Monday, July 24, 2017

Still Blogging

Faithful readers have probably noticed that my blog has gone slightly dark over the last week. Sometimes life gets in the way and I just don't find the time to do a post. The good news is that while I haven't been blogging, I have been having a good time and taking photos. There will be posts coming soon...both vintage and current. Just be patient. Here's a gorgeous sunrise that I shot a few weeks ago in Palm Springs.

A few shots of an abandoned church (I sure would love to shoot inside!):

And some early morning mid-century architecture:

I hope this tides you over for a bit while I get caught up here!

See more of my photography at my main website.


  1. Hi, Dave!
    Good to know all is well!
    I'll keep checking in (as always)!

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I'm glad to hear that all is well. Looking forward to more posts soon.

  3. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Know how you feel. I'm so busy I have little time right now to do anything to completion. Always look forward to your posts. KS

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Cheers Dave. Live your life, we'll be here.

