Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Temple Tuesday: Adventure in Baltimore

"Adventure in Baltimore" was RKO's bland attempt at recreating the magic of "Meet Me In St. Louis." With only 2 more movies left in her career, this one was another nail in the filmography coffin of Shirley Temple, recording a loss of $875,000. Still, it does have its moments, such as the dance sequence between Robert Young and Shirley. Photo number one shows her in rehearsal. The second image shows her enjoying an ice cream soda with her current husband and costar of the film, John Agar. Both shots are by Ernest Bachrach, RKO's in-house photographer.

Here's the trailer for the movie...just in case you're interested in seeing more.

More 1940s Shirley at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad little film, but it certainly doesn't compare to Meet Me In St. Louis. Interesting that Shirley and then husband John Agar seemed to have little in the way of chemistry in either of their films together.
