Thursday, January 05, 2017

At Home with Monsters, Pt. 1

Finally I am getting back to covering the Guillermo del Toro exhibit at LACMA that I mentioned a few weeks ago. I barely squeaked in before it ended and was so glad that I made the effort. It was a truly unique installation featuring items from del Toro's home (titled Bleak House), showcasing his interest in horror movies and all things macabre.

In the lobby area, this piece gives you an idea of what's to come. I did my best to get the credits of what I saw, but the exhibit was extremely crowded with people standing in front of the art taking the perfect selfie...and retaking it...and retaking it again.

An antique photo of family members with a lost one; apparently that was something that was done in the day. Not quite the standard holiday card fare, but to each their own.

This amazing gown is one of the Kate Hawley Crimson Peak dresses from the 2015 film by del Toro:

A portrait of Lady Beatrice Sharpe by Daniel Horne, also from Crimson Peak:

Another Crimson Peak piece is this figure of Kate Hawley, Ghost of Edith Cushing's Mother; it almost seemed like she would grab you at any minute:

There were a number of models inspired by the 1960 film "The Time Machine."

This interesting figure is called Divine Messenger by Craig LaRotonda:

The Nosferatu puppet on the clock truly creeped me a good way. Even Walt Disney knew that people truly enjoyed getting scared.

A closeup:

What every home should have: a life-sized figure of Edgar Allan Poe.

Admirers of Poe's work will also geek out over the 1953 concept art from The Tell-Tale Heart by Paul Julian:

Disneyland fans will geek out over the Marc Davis Medusa portrait from The Haunted Mansion:

The current portrait hanging in the Mansion:

Come back tomorrow for more from this incredible exhibit!

For more photos of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art visit my main website.


  1. You were testing my patience weren't you? Ha! Well it was worth the wait as I was really looking forward to this. These are incredible and you did a wonderful job capturing pieces of the exhibit. While I've seen parts of his collection before, I haven't seen any of these which makes this post even more wonderful. Love the Crimson Peak pieces. Thanks for sharing these, Dave.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    While it certainly looks like an interesting exhibition, I'm somewhat confused as to why this would be hosted by a major art gallery rather than, say, a design museum.

  3. Anonymous - They also hosted a Tim Burton exhibit awhile back. I think it's great that LACMA shakes things up a bit and features different types of installations. Why limit yourself? Art shouldn't be pigeon-holed.

  4. Amazing stuff.

    Somehow I managed to live until last October without seeing that Tell Tale Heart animation, and it blew me away. I recommend it to anyone who will listen.

    The Tell Tale Heart - 1953 narrated by James Mason:

    Thanks for letting us visit vicariously, Dave!
