Thursday, October 13, 2016

No Basement

In a classic scene from "Pee Wee's Big Adventure," the fraudulent fortune-teller, Madam Ruby (Erica Yohn), reveals that Pee Wee's bicycle has been hidden in the basement of the Alamo. After many comic twists and turns, Pee Wee finally makes it to San Antonio.

Here is the classic scene where a crestfallen Pee Wee learns the truth about The Alamo: THERE'S NO BASEMENT! Jan Hooks steals the scene as the all-too-real tour guide, Tina. NOTE: while the exterior was filmed at The Alamo in San Antonio, the interior tour shots were not. They were filmed north of Los Angeles at the Mission San Fernando Rey de EspaƱa.


Before I visited San Antonio, everyone told me not to be disappointed by the size of the Mission Building. Up close, it looks imposing:

Take a few steps back, and not so much.

Nevertheless, the events that occurred here back in 1836 are monumental. The Battle of the Alamo was a 13-day siege where Mexican troops launched an assault on the Alamo Mission killing all of the Texian defenders. The battle inspired many Texans to join the Texan Army, which brought about the defeat of the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, thus ending the revolution.

An important line was drawn here, commemorated by this plaque.

A rare interior shot of the Alamo:

Unless you go early in the morning or late at night, the surrounding property is typically very crowded with tourists. It is still a beautiful area worth seeing.

There may not be a basement, but of course there's a gift shop.

Somehow this Cinderella Carriage just doesn't seem to fit here.

See more of the REAL Alamo at my main website.


  1. Carriages are the 1800's version of Uber, only a lower chance of being assaulted. The pics and the history lesson are great. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Dave, your photos are much better than mine. Thanks for sharing these.

    I did really enjoy the Alamo, the history of the battle deserves to be better known outside Texas.


  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    As a Texan, I've been to the Alamo many times. I think as I child I was most impressed by the hundreds of bullet holes (or chips, or whatever) in the walls.
