Thursday, September 01, 2016

The Guggenheim

One of Frank Lloyd Wright's most famous creations is this art museum in New York City, opened in 1959. Overlooking Central Park, it is hard to miss, standing out like a sore thumb on Fifth Avenue. In a good way, of course. The little red square basically functions as FLW's signature; red was a favorite color of his representing creation.

The seal on the entrance floor:

The atrium has always been the showstopper for me; I could photograph this thing from every possible angle and still not tire of it.

Let's move on to some of my favorites from the collection, shall we? The Hermitage at Pontoise by Camille Pissarro:

Before the Mirror by Édouard Manet:

Missed the name of this one. Oops.

Woman Ironing by Pablo Picasso. He certainly captures the drudgery of this chore.

Prades, the Village by Joan MirĂ³:

Shots of two installations that impressed me:

Last and probably least...a toilet with a little tab on it so that you can use your foot to raise the lid without touching it. Genius.

More Frank Lloyd Wright and The Guggenheim at my main website.


  1. The art installation in your last photo is simply gorgeous. Did you happen to catch the artist's name?

  2. John Michael Kohler

  3. The missing title is Renoir's Woman with a Parrot. Ah, Renoir and his blacks!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dingo Domingo10:54 AM

    What nice pictures! I love this blog. And now a little suggestion for those planning to visit the Gugg. Take the elevator to the top then it's an easy downhill walk all the way, rather than the reverse.
