Thursday, August 04, 2016

Children's Classics in Central Park

Central Park in New York City is a total gem, especially for those who love the classics of childhood. This statue of Hans Christian Andersen is from 1956 by sculptor Georg J. Lober and depicts him reading one of his most famous works, The Ugly Duckling.

He looks a bit tired. I would be too if I'd been sitting in the same place since 1956.

This bronze statue from 1959 by José de Creeft was a tough one to photograph; everyone in the park was climbing all over it while they got their photo taken. And not just the kiddies.

This 1959 work by Frederick G. R. Roth was once a fountain. Not as famous as the other two statues, it depicts the major characters from Alice in Wonderland.

The Duchess:

The Mad Hatter:

The Red Queen:

Last but not least, Alice herself.

More Alice and Central Park at my main website.


  1. Love Central Park! I made a whole day out of visiting it and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Wonderful memories.

    I do remember the Alice in wonderland statue being extremely popular when I saw it. In fact, I sought out the statue wanting to see it since I already knew it existed. Nice post today! Thanks, Dave.

  2. Looking at the photos again, I noticed the Frederick G. R. Roth fountain has some markings on the side of the fountain base. I hope that wasn't vandalism. Do you happen to remember if it was chalk markings or if someone damaged it by carving something on it?

    Also just noticed the blue and pink paint on Alice's dress and other parts of the fountain statue. Was that vandalism too or just part of the statue?

  3. Ken - I don't know if I'd call chalk marks from children vandalism, but if so, then yes.
