Friday, February 12, 2016

Arizona Stagecoach

The Stagecoaches at Disneyland had an approximate five year run at the Park, beginning in 1955. This lovely young guest poses before the Arizona Coach. A detailed view of the artwork on the door:

This undated view is from approximately 1956…or so.

Hop aboard my main website for more vintage Disneyland Stagecoach photos.


  1. Love the Mineral Hall building with the castle turret behind it. I wish they'd bring back the stagecoach operating along the shore where Cascade Peak used to be. Thanks, Dave.

  2. Same comment! Love Mineral Hall in the background and the fact that she's holding the turquoise blue first edition souvenir bag in her hand. Wonder what she bought?

  3. Nice detailing on the stagecoach. It's a beaut!
