Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Saucers are Fun!

Today's vintage September 1962 shot shows the Flying Saucer attraction, which had opened about a year beforehand in Tomorrowland on August 6, 1961. Lasting five years, the attraction was known for breaking down frequently and a cause for minor back discomfort! In this photo though, guests seem to be having nothing but fun.

Flash forward to February 2015, and Luigi's Flying Tires at DCA's Cars Land provided a similar experience that was even less loved than its counterpart, lasting under three years. Here actor Sean Astin shows his displeasure.

Fly on over to my main website for more Flying Saucer fun.


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The wait time was long and the ride too short...and it broke down about every visit. And yet, it is one of my fondest memories scooting along the surface in my saucer. Too bad Luigi didn't have the same 'fun factor'. At least it was more reliable. KS

  2. I'm sorry to say that I just didn't enjoy this ride. Sorry to see it gone though. It was such a cool thing to look at visually. Thanks, Dave!
