Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pan Pacific Auditorium

This 1957 image shows the Pan Pacific Auditorium, a casualty of time and fire that was once located near the CBS Television studios and the current site of the Grove Shopping Center.

Its final gasp of glory was in the movie "Xanadu" from 1980. Today, it is commemorated in the façades of the entrances to DCA and Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando.


Here's a rare interior shot from the 1940's:

Check out that drum line!

More vintage Los Angeles photos at my main website.


  1. I remember seeing this building in person from time to time. It's really a shame it was lost to decay and fire. Always enjoy your historical Los Angeles posts. Thanks, Dave.

  2. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Years ago, I had a project near this building. I would drive by and admire it, but never got to go inside.

    I always enjoyed the futuristic style of the entry, which was featured in a poster commemorating the Los Angeles Bicentennial 1981 (hanging over my desk as I write).

    Such a shame this was lost.


  3. Where I saw Elvis (2 days in a row no less!) in 1957. Went here lots for things like the Ice Follies, indoor rodeo, car shows etc. It was used all the time until we got the Sports Arena.
