Wednesday, May 13, 2015

60th Anniversary Trip, Pt. 1

Going to the Park less often is working out well for me; now I actually look forward to going, and find that I enjoy myself more. Disneyland's 60th Anniversary Celebration has begun to be rolled out, and the festive blue bunting can be seen almost everywhere.

The plastic jewels are just a little much, but considering Disneyland is theme park of fantasy, I should probably let it go...

Walking down Main Street, U.S.A. I saw Oscar Martinez, the longest tenured employee in the Park (December 29, 1956), standing in front of the Carnation Cafe:

The Partners statue in Central Plaza with the newly painted and bunted Castle in the background.


And here it is…again, a little overdone for my tastes. Keep the bunting, lose the faux "jewels", plastic caps, etc. and it would be markedly improved.

The back of the Castle has yet to be bedazzled.

As you already know, the Mansion was my first destination of the morning. That didn't stop me from taking photos of the Rivers of America on the way!

In New Orleans Square, Pandora Jewelry is a new vendor:

Hmmmm…don't think I'll be spending any money (or time) in here.

A panoramic view of the New Orleans Square entrance:

I will drop you off at the entrance to Pirates of the Caribbean, where my tale will pick up tomorrow.

See more vintage and current Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. The "diamond" décor doesn't look that great in these photos or others I've seen online. It all looks very plastic. I'd be curious to see what the Castle looks like after dark. Maybe that's when the anniversary décor shines. In daylight it doesn't look that impressive.

    The Café Orleans/Royal Street Veranda panoramic shot is nice. Thanks, Dave.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Dave, thank you for the panorama shots, those are really nice.

    I appreciate the way you placed the second one to hide the misbegotten changes to the second floor over the Cafe Orleans.

    For those of us whose visits are years apart, your little trip reports are very nice to have.


  3. Nick Brown9:06 PM

    Oscar Martinez seems to be posing as one of the Haunted Mansion ghosts. On the other hand, I hope I look as good when I am his age.

    By the way. GREAT PANORAMAS, DAVE!!

  4. Thank you so much for posting these beautiful pictures. The last time I was able to visit CA and Disneyland was 2009 and I'm not sure when I will be able to return. Again Thank you for all you do - I love to read your notes as well.
