Thursday, May 07, 2015

24/7 Beignets & Coffee

Cafe Du Monde has been serving up beignets and hot coffee from the New Orleans French Market since 1862. The first shot shows the iconic location back in the 1950s. In October 1960, the two guests shown below were captured enjoying their java and fried powdered delights.

When the weather is nice, you can sit out on the patio, as these 1950s customers did.

On my visit a few months back, I stopped by the Cafe Du Monde during a very early morning run, hoping to get some shots before it opened and was inundated by tourists. I was not aware that it was open 24/7. As their website states, they are only closed on Christmas Day and whenever the occasional hurricane passes through.

The aroma of the fresh brewed dark roast coffee drew me in; the sight of the perfectly dusted beignets caused me to take a break from my run.

Even though it wasn't 7am, the place was fairly packed.

And here's what they all came for: beignets and coffee. Warning: be careful not to inhale while eating your beignet. You'll be coughing up powdered sugar for days.

Jump on over for more java at my Café du Monde photo page.


  1. Besides inhaling, watch out for the feisty family member who blows the extra powder off the top of their beignet (and right at you).
    I've never been to the Cafe but wife raves about it. I need to go one day.

  2. Yummy! During my visit to New Orleans, I made sure to go to the Cafe almost everyday. I'm so glad Disneyland & Jazz Kitchen Express also serves them so I can get my fix. :)
