Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hills Brothers in Town Square

If you wanted coffee at Disneyland in February 1964, Starbucks wasn't even on the radar. The caffeinated beverage of choice was Hills Brothers, named after the sons of Austin Hills in 1906.

The symbol of an Arab drinking coffee was called "the taster".

The Hills Brothers logo art has since been replaced by a representation more in line with the original founders.

Doesn't look like it's very busy; perhaps that's why they were replaced by Maxwell House in 1976!

One of my last shots before it converted is from 1972; things look a lot more lively in this one, thanks to the musicians playing in front:

Although if the cook has time to play the drums, that can't be a good sign!

More caffeinated photos at my main website.


  1. I much prefer "The Taster" icon.

  2. I guess they're both "tasters" so I'll clarify. I much prefer the original logo art which seems to reflect the 1882 retail store "Arabian Coffee and Spice Mills".

  3. I had no idea this area was ever so well used. It's been an empty area used for meet-n-greets and special events for so long that it never occurred to me there was ever a business here. A shame. I would actually LIKE to sit on that incarnation of the patio with a fresh cup of coffee.
