Saturday, February 28, 2015

Welcome to 1961!

I am digging this 1961 black and white image of the Disneyland News Stand near the entrance tunnel into the Park. I secretly hoped that the gentleman in the hat was Walt, but upon closer examination, I don't believe so.

Although Walt wore hats like that, the face and body seem a bit off.

Back to our original image, here's the souvenir map on display that guests could buy and hang on their wall at home:

Another image from my collection circa July 1960 provides a color image:

And here is an even clearer version of what was on display:

So much from just one little image!

See more Daveland vintage & current Disneyland entrance photos at my main website.


  1. I still haven't figured out what that graphic design is supposed to represent on the "Disneyland '61" banner.

    Nice shot of the west side entrance tunnel which is my usual entry and exit point into the Park.

  2. The Disneyland wall map. My favorite souvenir and I still have one from the 70's. They need to bring that back.

  3. The Disneyland wall map. My favorite souvenir and I still have one from the 70's. They need to bring that back.

  4. Boy, Dave, that's a nice shot of a Fun Map I've always lusted after. The Monorail still runs just inside the Park, the Haunted Mansion is nearly on top of the Adventureland River, and there's that strange attraction-to-be (some sort of science fair) located where the Flying Saucers would be placed.

    It kills me to think that at one point we (meaning my brother Mike) had probably every Fun Map ever made floating around the house...

  5. Interesting to see the original tunnel attraction poster display system. At this point there were no frames...the posters were mounted onto aluminum metal panels and slid into the sides of two aluminum channel tracks!

  6. I sure do miss Edison Square and Liberty Street.
