Monday, February 23, 2015

Panorama Magic at the Disneyland Hotel

When I saw these two images from June 1961 come up for sale, I had a hunch that I could combine them and get a very cool panoramic view of the Disneyland Hotel view.

My hunch was correct. Using a little Photoshop magic to fill in the gaps, I came up with this:

I am sure that especially for my east coast readers who are steeped in snow, this is a lovely sight!

Want to spend more pool time at the Disneyland Hotel? Swim over to my main website and see the rest of my collection.

1 comment:

  1. You did an amazing seamless job on the photo merge.

    I stayed at the Disneyland Hotel several times in the 1970's when it was owned by Wrather. I remember it being a first class experience. Not sure how it is under Disney.

    Thanks, Dave.
