Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The French Market, November 1971

Let's travel back to 1971 for a look at the French Market in New Orleans Square. I was hoping to be able to read the menu, but unfortunately the original image is too grainy to allow that. I am sure there are Disneyland geeks out there who can decipher through the plethora of dots to tell the rest of us what was being served…and just how much it was!

Looking through my collection for a comparison shot, I realized that I am woefully deficient in views from that angle of the New Orleans Square Restaurant. Instead, it appears that I have focused on the side that faces the Frontierland Depot.

Add it all up for another one for my "to do" list next time I visit the park.

See more Daveland Disneyland French Market photos at my main website.


  1. The French Market is my second favorite restaurant in the Park. Plaza Inn is my favorite. There's nothing like dining outside on a warm beautiful day at Disneyland. Here at the French Market one can hear the Mark Twain's steam whistle blow, watch the steam passenger trains come and go at the New Orleans Square/Frontierland station and hear the clanking of dishes being bussed. On top of all that, you can dine on your favorite entre in the open air while listening to the jazz musicians perform on the patio. It's pure magic to the senses!

    Love the view from the depot side of the French Market. I'd be curious to see these two same viewing angles with the new Club 33 up above. Thanks, Dave.

  2. I agree with KM in regards favorite places to eat in the early morning, as thes picas seem to be. It looks like they just hosed down and all is fresh and clean.

  3. I always assumed that Dave just asked everyone politely to stand up and step out of the picture for a moment. They could still be at the exit of the park.

  4. KM: Somewhere in the cosmos, Walt is reading your description and smiling!

  5. French Market was my Dad's favorite spot for dinner. We timed it to hear the musicians.

    I can't recall the menu in detail, but I remember once having fried chicken with mashed potatoes, and the menu once included an item called "Veal Cutlet Pojarski" which was a sort of breaded veal item, served with gravy. The name stuck with me because it was so exotic, and I was afraid to order it.

    I've googled it since, it seemed to be a popular dish in the late '60's. http://www.vealrecipes.com/veal-pojarski/

    Wonderful vintage pic of a well-loved place. Thank you, Dave.

