Friday, November 14, 2014

More Gonzalez Trio!

I never tire of seeing photos of Disneyland music groups, especially the Gonzalez Trio in Frontierland. Here they are singing for guests, who appear oblivious to the Latino musicians.

One of their trademark songs was "Tacos for Two," a parody of "Cocktails for Two." This youtube video isn't the Gonzalez Trio, but it does allow you to hear this humorous tune:

See more Daveland Gonzalez Trio photos at my main website.


  1. I love this image of the Gonzalez Trio performing in the Frontierland gazebo. I always wondered what happened to this group and if they played outside Disneyland or just retired.

    They should insert that "Tacos for Two" song into the background music loop of the "Rancho del Zocalo Restaurante". Thanks, Dave.

  2. Dave, do you ever listen to the Mariachi Divas when you visit DCA? They are absolutely terrific!


  3. Ken - Great idea for Rancho del Zocalo!

    Mark - Whereabouts in DCA do they perform?

  4. Usually around the wharf. They are Grammy winners and really worth the time. I love sitting there under the sun, with a rice bowl eating lunch, and watching these lovely ladies perform. It feels a bit like Epcot!
