Sunday, September 21, 2014

Indianapolis: Then and Now

A few vintage 1955 images of Indianapolis, starting with this straight shot facing north on Meridian Street. Monument Circle towers above the skyline, but looks to be closed.

The placard says, "For A Better Indianapolis." On the northwest side of the circle, you can see the Indianapolis Power and Light Building.

Today, Monument Circle is still there, although many of the buildings and tenants surrounding it have changed.

Farther up Meridian is the Scottish Rite Cathedral.

Back in 1955, the automotive industry was still King in the midwest; note the Ford Motor Company building and signage.

This 2003 image shows the Scottish Rite Cathedral, which survived much better than Ford in the downtown area!

I first saw the Cathedral when one of my friends got married there.

Can you imagine climbing up there in a wedding dress?

See more Daveland Indianapolis photos at my main website.


  1. I love the look and feel of American cities in the Midwest. There's just something it. The Monument Circle and Scottish Rite Cathedral are gorgeous. I'm glad they fared well. Instead of being lazy and asking you the question, I looked up what the obelisk was myself. It's the Veteran's Memorial Plaza. Always enjoy your posts on Indianapolis. Thanks, Dave.

  2. Wow, that first shot is really wonderful. I agree with Ken Martinez, the midwest (where I was born) has a special feel that's uniquely American.

  3. Indianapolis is a great city. I fell in love with Southern California after living there for two years, but being back in the Midwest (and only 50 miles north of Indianapolis in Kokomo!) definitely has some advantages.
