Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No Matterhorn For You

Imagine how frustrating it can be when visit Disneyland, plunk down your money, and one of your favorite attractions is not in operation. This is not a new issue, as you can see from these July 1959 images of the Matterhorn.

Let's zoom in to look at the signage. Yup. It's closed.

At least the water features are still running. The poor lady leaning against the fence just doesn't know what to do. How can a brand new attraction be closed already?

See more Daveland vintage (& current) Disneyland Matterhorn photos at my main website.


  1. WOW!!! The image of the Matterhorn queue structure is a beauty. With no trees blocking the view you can really appreciate the architectural design.

    Do you know what the pink sign says? I think it says:

    "Matterhorn Bobsleds"

    Adults: $.50
    Children: $.35
    or 'E' Ticket

    Children under 6 must be accompanied by and adult.

    That's my guess.

    Again, today's post is awesome. Thanks, Dave.

  2. I have a photo from the 70s when I went to ride MTTNW and it was closed. I took a photo of the BTMRR sign that was in from of Rainbow Ridge. I like the BTMRR but I would love to ride that slow mine train again.

  3. Cuz the yeti had a cold? (naw, not employed yet)...the yodeler had laryngitis?...Hans could not find his accordion?...Tinkerbell was taking a nap on the top tracks?...One of the climbers overshot the basketball backboard and the ball knocked down an avalanche of icicles on to the track?...Walt was testing an idea of an exclusive club inside the mountain (Club 1313), but do the negativity of "13" he decided to wait build that club elsewhere.
