Monday, August 04, 2014

Frontierland, August 1956

This shot was taken one year after the Park opened and shows a nice view of some of the Frontierland shops. Pendleton, famous for their woolen products, had an actual store at Disneyland back when non-Disney merchandise was sold in the park.

A contemporary shot from 2012 shows a similar angle, with much of the view obscured by a tree that had not even planted yet in 1956.

Back to the vintage view, here's a closeup of the Pendleton store front. I know diddley about Eamley leather goods; can only assume that they were a local business.

See more Daveland Disneyland Frontierland photos at my main website.


  1. Great pictures. I think that should be Hamley Leather Goods. A real company with a long pedigree. I fould a link:

  2. I still have my shirt from Pendelton purchased about 1968. It's as good as new.

  3. Wonderful image that brings back lots of memories. I remember those days of shopping at Disneyland, the Pendleton Woolen Mills store with its racks of woven shirts and shelves of throw blankets. All with their Pendleton label attached. I always wanted a Pendleton shirt from Disneyland when I was a kid, but my parents weren't going to spend the money on it. Shortly after I turned 18 on my next visit to Disneyland I finally bought a shirt. It was the only shirt and item I ever purchased from that store and I wore it regularly for a very long time.

    Just about every visit to Disneyland back in the day, I'd stop by Frontierland and pick up a few miniature carved stone animals at the Davy Crockett Arcade. I also remember even further back when my mother bought me a rubber head tom tom drum from a shop in Frontierland when I was a little kid.

    If it was Disney brand merchandise I was after, I'd head over to either the Character Shop in Tomorrowland or Emporium on Main Street to browse through many of the Made-in-Japan ceramic Disney figurines and pick out a character or two that I hadn't yet added to my collection at home. Then of course I'd go through the racks of postcards picking out several cards to help me relive and retain my memories.

    Always enjoy your vintage posts. Thanks, Dave.

  4. @CoxPilot -

    I purchased my shirt in 1978 and practically wore it to death. One day it disappeared, probably lost from taking it off and setting it down somewhere like at work or a friends house and forgotten about until it was too late. Gone forever. I was fond of that shirt. Dark blue on blue weave.

  5. As much as I like the overall look of the new Frontierland planters ( well, "new" since 1956 ) I think I prefer the straightforward layout of the sidewalk before. You could see the whole row of facades.

  6. I love that they decorate that tree for Halloween; but after seeing the 1956 picture, I think I prefer the façade without the tree.
