Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Disneyland, Summer of '63: Frontierland

A few more from my batch of Summer 1963 black and white Disneyland images. Today, we take a visit to Tom Sawyer's Island in Frontierland. Care to journey across the Rivers of America on a raft? This water craft takes skill; no cheating on a track with this one!

LOVE the expressions on the faces of these two little boys; they are having the time of their lives exploring Fort Wilderness:

A pensive shot of the little boy; possibly on the way to a meltdown from too much excitement?

Back in business again, he excitedly tours Tom's tree house:

See more vintage Disneyland Tom Sawyer Island photos on my main website.


  1. Notice the guardrails (or lack thereof). I remember being afraid of climbing the tree house even after the netting was installed, but I did anyway because it was cool.

  2. The kid with the close-crop hair cut is a hoot. He was the one in yesterday's post sticking his arm out of the Dumbo ride vehicle.

    Love the packed raft image. The Summer '63 b&w photos have been awesome. Thanks, Dave.

  3. I now know that my life has been lacking a paisley shirt with matching paisley pants.
