Sunday, May 18, 2014

Disneyland, Summer of 1963: Fantasyland

Pose for the nice man! It's always great to get a view of the person taking the photos. Of course I have to get a closer look at the camera being used, too. This guy can take a photo AND smoke his cig all at the same time. I wonder how he'd do walking and chewing gum?

A closeup of one of the windmills on the Storybook Land attraction:

The vintage guests seemed to enjoy the teacups; you might remember the previous post that also included an image of them with the shot of the Fantasyland Theatre in the background.

The girl in the right looks like she might be close to hurling! Oops!

See more vintage & current Disneyland Fantasyland photos on my main website.


  1. I like the first image for the castle style brick wall. Is it even like that now in this area? Or do they have different style railings now? This month has been great for the B&W photos. Thanks.

  2. Sounds like something I should do a comparison shot of on my next visit.
