Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy (Almost) 86th Birthday, Shirley Temple Black!

In honor of what would have been her 86th birthday, today's post is a tribute to the recently deceased Shirley Temple Black. This first photo is from 70 years ago when Shirley's sweet sixteenth birthday (1944) was celebrated on-set. Here's the accompanying publicity blurb:

A bottle of favorite perfume given her on her sixteenth birthday is shared with her close friend and stand-in, Mary Lou Isleib. The party took place on the set of Selznick International's "I'll Be Seeing You," her latest picture in which she appears with Ginger Rogers and Joseph Cotten.

Always working, Shirley's 35th birthday occurred on the set of the Red Skelton Show. Red seems to be enjoying the cake more than Shirley.

Happy Birthday, Shirley - hope all the stars in the heavens are celebrating your special day!

See more Shirley Temple Black photos on my Shirley web page.


  1. I appreciate your having given this tribute to Shirley Temple who would have turned 86 if she'd been able to stay alive two more months.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Che profumo era?

  3. lo siento no lo se
