Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Vintage Mardi Gras, Pt. 2

More vintage New Orleans Mardi Gras photos (on the actual day that Mardi Gras is celebrated), beginning with three 1946 shots.

I'm not quite sure what this "hobo" has on his "Chicken Inspector" sign, but it might be part of a fraternity gag.

This sheik gives Rudolph Valentino a run for his money; his harem girls are very lovely!

This is why I have no desire to go to Mardi Gras. Wall-to-wall people. Get me a balcony, please!

How about these creative signs? "Alcoholics Unanimous," "Don't Laugh - Your Kid May Be Up Here!" and "Danger! Hangovers Under Construction."

In the float seen in this shot, The Prisoners of Love are wearing prison garb. Rubenstein's Department Store, visible in the background, is still in business and has been since 1924.

How are you celebrating Mardi Gras today?

See more vintage & current New Orleans photos from my collection on my New Orleans web pages.


  1. Very cool, rather crisp pics to be from '46. I often have to wonder what the inspiration is behind some costumes because so many seem so unlikely. "Hey guys, I've got it! The Great Depression was a fabulous time, let's go as hobos!" which was no doubt met by "Only if I can wear my chicken inspector sign!" I'm going out on a limb and assuming it was a reference to a local and perhaps forgotten news story about chicken contamination, the joke being a hobo was the inspector. Thanks to the prevalence of hipsters today, that pic looks like it could have been taken last week, fake mustache and all. It beats the guys in yesterday's post who choose potato sacks.

    Agreed on too many people. Elbow to elbow isn't a good time, only an opportunity to meet humanity at it's most inconsiderate. I suspect the Alcoholics Unanimous are having a better time up there.

  2. I suppose if I was lit enough, the wall-to-wall people wouldn't bother me much.

    Another awesome balcony shot, this time featuring a group "Alcoholics Unanimous" having a good time.

    So I guess that jailbird on the balcony I asked about in yesterday's post was a prisoner of love who strayed from his group.

    Another great set today. Thanks.

  3. This is just about what the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World can look like some nights after the "Wishes" fireworks display. I have first hand experience.
