Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Lost Parents: FOUND!

Disneyland Town Square Lost Parents City Hall photo

Most who have visited Disneyland have seen this creative sign, calling the parents "lost" instead of the children. It helps allay a bit of the stress about losing track of the kids while at the busiest happiest place on earth. Well, the good news is that today at Daveland, thanks to this recently unearthed July 1959 image, we have finally found those flighty lost parents.

Disneyland Town Square Lost Parents City Hall photo

And as if that wasn't enough, here's the same shot in Genuine FauxD©!

Disneyland Town Square Lost Parents City Hall photo

Hope you find everything you need to today!

See more Daveland vintage & current Disneyland Town Square City Hall photos on my main website.


  1. That's an old memory. I always liked that sign.

  2. Cool effects today. I can almost hear Ricky Ricardo and his band playing cha cha music behind their wigglin'.
