Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Memories, Pt. 1

I have many fond Christmas memories of the traditions that were part of my childhood. Being able to talk to Santa at our local department store was always a highlight. In this 1966 photo, I was two, and it was my family's first Christmas on the east coast. For the life of me, I can't seem to remember what this toy/book was that Santa was giving me. Looks like some kind of vintage-style race car on either a book or a stand. It must not have been a favorite or lasted very long!

A year later, I was still tongue-tied when I got to sit on the great man's lap!

For Christmas 1965, my brother seems very pleased with his Remco Monkey Battle Jacket set, complete with pineapple grenade. This "toy" originally retailed for $4.99.

It looks like a very violent Christmas, except for what appears to be a poodle appliqué on my pajamas. What the heck.

Zooming in for a peek at the vintage wrapping paper and toy instructions:

My brothers are busy hanging their stockings (and not necessarily with care!) on the night before Christmas 1966. Looks like somebody else did mine for me.

I DO remember this toy from 1962: Bop the Beetle.

You'd try to get the beetles into the gigantic frog's mouth. I can still hear that darn thing snapping shut. Scary!

What are some of your Christmas memories from long ago?

See more Daveland photos on my regular website.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The bespectacled boy next to Mom bears a striking resemblance to Ralphie from A Christmas Story!

  2. I was definitely thinking of "A Christmas Story when looking at these photos. You've got some sweet pictures here. Thanks for sharing your personal memories, Dave.

  3. I remember having a little green real tree for a number of years, small enough to fit on the radio.

    Then Mom and Dad bought an aluminum tree with a color wheel, which was very up to date. We had that almost until high school.

    The aluminum branches came in paper sleeves which crushed the needles flat to store. Pull off the sleeve and poke the branch into the trunk, repeat x 150 or so, voila. Tree.

    Looking back on it, it was weird. But everybody seemed to have one for a while.

