Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from Daveland!

Happy Thanksgiving, readers! I hope that today is not only a day of enjoying good food, but actually taking the time to enjoy the blessings of the year and giving thanks for them. Sitting around the dinner table with friends and family sharing a freshly prepared meal has been a monumental event for me every since I can remember...and even before that!

The meal never just popped out of the freezer; it was the result of days and days of preparation.

The table was always set perfectly, too, adding to the special nature of this event of sharing.

Although the people at the table have changed over the years, the meaning of Thanksgiving has remained constant for me, as traditions I have learned continue to be passed on to whoever is sitting around the turkey.

May you all have a wonderful day!

See more Daveland photos on my Photography web pages.


  1. Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that has managed to escape the commercialism heaped on the "big two". I absolutely love it for that reason. It's simply a day to celebrate food, family and friends and be reflective and thankful of the riches we are blessed with.

    Thank you for a wonderful blog to visit everyday and for sharing your passion with us, Dave. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. Love the photos today. The third photo reminds me of my Mom and Aunt in the kitchen preparing everything! The others remind me of my childhood family Thanksgiving (and Christmas) dinners in the 50's. Good times :)

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    A great series of pictures which bring back so many memories. Thanks to you and your readers comments all these years.

  4. Hey, Dave! Is that Willis at the end of the table?

  5. Good eye, Ken! He got lots of turkey yesterday, too.

  6. Glad to hear he ate well. My dog ate lots of turkey too. I'm still full from yesterday.
