Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Indians and Goofy Mystery

Welcome to Disneyland's Indian Village. Leave it to Walt to find a use for set pieces from the movie, "Westward Ho The Wagons"! The guy was a genius. Over in Tomorrowland, the "20k Leagues Under the Sea" sets also provided a diversion for guests for many years while Walt attempted to build up the coffers so that he could afford to build something a little more mind-blowing.

Still, the Indian Village was a fun place for guests of all ages to stroll through. This Native American appears to be using different colored sands to create the symbols that you see in the photo:

Zooming in for a closer look at what he is doing, as well as to see his turquoise bracelet.

I love seeing photos of the Ceremonial Dance Circle; guests of all ages appear to be having a great time while learning about another culture.

All of today's photos are from the 1950's.

In other vintage Disneyland news, a Daveland reader recently sent me these images of a Goofy cel that he has from the Art Corner:

My mom and I recently discovered an old Disney Animation Cel of "Goofy" in some of my late Grandmother's photo albums. (photos attached) My Mom remembers they drove to Disneyland from Kentucky back in the late 50's and my Grandfather must have purchased it there at the Art Corner.

Anyone out there able to identify what movie/short this might have been from?

See more vintage Disneyland Indian Village photos on my Indian Village web page.


  1. I knew this one instantly. This is from "How to Ride A Horse" which originally appeared as a segment in "The Reluctant Dragon" and later released as a cartoon short in 1950.

  2. That cel's from the short "How to Ride a Horse." It was part of "The Reluctant Dragon":

  3. Also the Reluctant Dragon was released in 1941, so that cell could be from the late 30s early 40s. Awesome!

    @Jon Gutierrez - We must've posted within seconds of each other. Amazing!

  4. Fun stuff. I was pleased to see my daughter taking up collecting Disney animation art (in a limited way). Maybe I wasn't completely a bad influence.

    So cool that people recognized the cartoon so quickly.


  5. Yup, it's How to Ride a Horse. A classic.

    Loved the Indian Village!

  6. Jon & Ken - Many thanks for the quick response! Amazing!

  7. DBenson1:43 PM

    Did the Art Corner have cels that old? Another possibility is an episode of the Disney TV show, where they'd create new animation to link older shorts into stories.

    True, the level of detail points to a theatrical film. But maybe somebody knows if "How to Ride a Horse" was ever worked into a TV episode.

  8. @DBenson - "How to Ride a Horse" did appear in "The Goofy Success Story" televised on December 7, 1955 as an episode from the Walt Disney anthology television series.

    It's very possible it's an animation cel from the 1950s because there was some new animation work done to work it into the episode.

    Here's the new animation and cartoon within the tv episode I found on YouTube:

    @Dave -

    I hope that helps your reader.
