Sunday, May 05, 2013

New Era Chips and Cinco de Mayo

Just a few May 1962 photos to kick off your Cinco de Mayo (or "Drink-o de Mayo," as some of my more festive friends like to call it). Over at the Casa de Fritos, this lovely lass is giving away more than just Fritos Corn Chips; she has something called "New Era." I had never heard of these before, but apparently they came out in 1951 and were marketed as a healthy snack. Here's the marketing spin that was found on the packaging:

"SCIENCE SAYS…'THE ALKALINE SIDE IS THE HEALTHY SIDE.' New Era Potato Chips are partially starch dextrinized and therefore more readily digested…Chemical analysis have proven New Era Potato Chips to be a highly concentrated, energy-producing food, 95% digestible, and of greater alkalinity than even fresh, raw potatoes. Feast without fear!"

Just ignore the fact that they were processed in hydrogenated vegetable shortening. Made by the Nicolay Dancey Co., New Era became the largest selling Potato Chip in the country, outselling the others 3 to 1. In 1959 they merged with the Frito Company, which merged with Herman Lay in 1961 to become Frito-Lay, Inc., and then were bought out by Pepsi in 1965. Not sure what happened to New Era.

Last one for today is of the Gonzalez Trio in Frontierland:

It just wouldn't be Cinco de Mayo without the music of the Gonzalez family.

See more vintage Disneyland Casa de Fritos photos on my Casa de Fritos web page.


  1. I've seen vintage New Era Potato Chip tina from time to time on Ebay.

  2. Good grief! I meant tins, not tina.

  3. Hmm, looks like the chips are down...


  4. Oh...that one hurt!
