Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Although many think of it as a day of rest and barbecue, Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Originally titled Decoration Day until 1882, it started after the Civil War as a way to pay tribute to the dead Union and Confederate soldiers. By the 20th century, Memorial Day was expanded to honor all Americans who died in service, which is what separates it from Veterans Day, which honors all military veterans. The first photo for today shows the daily Flag Lowering Ceremony at the Park, September 1959, followed by two consecutive shots from August 1958:

Note the reverence displayed by all, young and old. No texting, no talking, no multi-tasking...just a crowd of guests paying respect to the flag and all that it represents.

Here's wishing you a peaceful day while we remember those who gave all.

See more vintage & current Town Square Flag Lowering photos on my Flag Lowering Ceremony web page.


  1. I used to associate Memorial Day with the kick off of Summer at Disneyland. I went every year on that weekend for a very long time. Now because of the larger crowds I prefer visiting Disneyland on Summer weekdays.

    Nowadays I see Memorial Day as what it really is for, a remembrance of those who served and died for our country. Nice tribute with the Flag Lowering Ceremony images.

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Thank you for such a thoughtful (and, hopefully, thought-provoking) post, Dave.

  3. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Thank you, Dave.

