Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Market House Madness

Still no news on what will happen to the Market House when Starbucks moves in, so in the meantime, another tribute to this historic Main Street shop. This vintage photo is from September 1956, back when it was still sponsored by Swift Premium Meats. Zooming in, you can see a few of the A-Frames near the Main Street Cinema. The one on the left, leaning against the wall, is one that was typically in front of the Fire Department in Town Square.

The back of the photo tells me that the person who shot it was a cast member.

Bursting into full color, this Summer 1963 view shows the Market House from a different angle.

I just had to zoom into the window, where you can see that Cold Cuts are being advertised:

A rare May 1961 vintage interior shot, with guests having fun listening in on the 1890 party line recording. Is that a vintage stamp machine on the left?

This contemporary shot would lead one to believe that the same phones have survived over the years.

See more vintage & current Disneyland Market House photos on my Market House web page.


  1. Dave - re:The Market House's future, saw this on Laughing plac:
    Major Changes to Main Street Shops at Disneyland

    Disney has released some details on upcoming changes coming to Main Street shops at Disneyland. Here's a summary:

    •Starbucks will open inside the Market House this fall. Market House will close in April and being an expansion into the space where Disneyana is now.
    •The Disneyana shop will be combining with the current Disney Gallery in the Bank of Main Street location (where the Disney Gallery is now)
    •Market House will reopen this fall, still themed as a turn-of-the-century general store but serving Starbucks products and a slection of specialty Disney pastries
    Thanks mg

  2. Love the "N. Main St./W. Center St." sign on the lamppost. The colorful image with the upward angle of the Market House is beautiful!

  3. Yes, that 1963 is a beautiful shot, definitely unusual.

  4. I heard that the stove and party line phones will survive the Starbucks refurb on Twitter yesterday. Not sure if it's from an official source or what but hopefully the good news is true!

  5. Trippen1:08 PM

    Posting from the Disney Parks Blog:

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I don't know what a party line is. Did they really have phones back in 1890? I doubt there was very much to talk about on the phone back in those days.

  7. Michael - Thanks for the update; I figured Disneyana would bite the dust for Starbucks. No real tears about that one here.
