Friday, March 01, 2013

Disneyland Trip Report: Fantasyland Dark Rides, Pt. 3

Although the lines are typically short, Snow White's Scary Adventures ranks a close second to Peter Pan's Flight as one of my favorite Fantasyland Dark rides. I love the ominous presence of the Evil Queen at the entrance:

This little tableau inside the queue has so many cool details, including an animated bird shadow:

Is this income taxable?

Don't even THINK about causing a raucous in your Dwarf Mine Car!

This reminds me; I have laundry and housekeeping to do.

The atmosphere is light and festive inside the Dwarf's Cottage:

Somebody needs to file a restraining order:

Lots of bedazzling in the Dwarf's Mine:

A simple yet effective trick for the transformation of the Evil Queen into the Old Crone:

This guy definitely has an acid tongue:

LOVE the little skull on the apple!

The scary forest; the main reason not to take tiny tots on this attraction:

Care for an apple, dearie? That damn hologram will leave you hungry every time.

Racing after the Evil Queen/Old Crone in the storm:

Here she is, just before she plunges downward for the big finish:

Surely this Happily Ever After doesn't apply to the Evil Queen:

The Happy Ending is represented by this two-dimensional artwork, a throwback to the original Fantasyland murals:

Venture with me tomorrow to New Orleans Square!

See more vintage & current Disneyland Fantasyland photos on my Fantasyland web page.


  1. I love that this ride has so many creepy elements... it is still one of my favorites. Beautiful pics as always.

  2. I remember in 1983 when first riding the redesigned dark rides in the New Fantasyland, that acid tongue effect impressed me so much. I think the opening of New Fantasyland was when Disneyland peaked for me. Great wrap-up of the dark ride classics. Thanks for posting these.

  3. Your photos allow people to see so many details!!
