Wednesday, December 26, 2012

BBQ for the Holidays

If it were December 26, 1959, you could have joined this fashionable young lady at Don DeFore's Silver Banjo Barbecue for beef, pork, ham, chicken, or spareribs.

If you're trying to place this location with its present day incarnation, then you'd be sitting in the area that serves as the outdoor seating for Riverbelle Terrace and Stage Door Cafe.

This vintage photo from the Ron DeFore collection shows a wider view of the Silver Banjo restaurant and the staircase which was originally located to the right.

For those of you who are new to the blog, here's a repeat post of the original recipe that the DeFore family used for their Barbecue sauce:

Now you can make a batch of your own. Let me know how your Silver Banjo Barbecue sauce turns out!

See more vintage Disneyland Silver Banjo photos on my Silver Banjo web page.


  1. Definitely going to try a batch! This is perfect timing - I love BBQ sauce and I was just watching "Hazel" yesterday! I'll let you know how it turns out.

  2. Thats great! I'm printing

  3. That's a lot of BBQ sauce! Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Now that's the original article, on the man's personal stationery no less.

    I'm going for it.

    But, who ever put BBQ sauce on fish & chips, that sounds weird to me.

    Thank you Dave!


  5. Thanks for sharing an useful article. Really Awesome images. And nice recipe dishes..


  6. Wow, that first photo is really fantastic! A belated Merry Christmas to you, Dave.

  7. JG - I have to confess...I've done ketchup on fish and chips. Hopefully that's within your bounds!

    Looking forward to hear how everyone's day in the kitchen turned out!
