Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Twiggy and the hat

I recently found yet another photo to add to my collection documenting super-model Twiggy's April 27, 1967 visit to Disneyland. From the publicity blurb:

"Even in the carefree, relaxed hours of Twiggy's tour of Disneyland, the little English girl loses none of her chic. Her tour of this country, her reactions, and our reactions to her, are part of TWIGGY: WHY?, full-hour examination of this phenomenon of our time to be seen Friday, June 23rd, at _____ pm., in color, on Channel _____ and the ABC Television Network."

Here are some of my other favorites from this collection. Even super-models ride mules.

Imagine being a super-model at the Plaza Inn, and all you could have on your plate was a doily. Oh the torture.

Twiggy looking utterly baffled by the Grand Canyon Diorama:

Escaping her entourage, she sneaks in an ice cream bar and prays that it doesn't go to her hips.

See more vintage Disneyland Twiggy photos on my Twiggy web page.

1 comment:

  1. She looks SO HUNGRY. I'm glad someone gave her ice cream before she inhales that pack mule!
