Sunday, May 13, 2012

Trip Report: The End

I guess it should come as no surprise that 1000 photos would yield a 5-part trip report. Mar-mar (1/3 of the Gaggle of Gals) and I couldn't sleep, so she put on her jammies and we did some early morning exploring at the Grand Californian. It was like a scene out of Goldilocks, with Mar enjoying all the furniture. The kiddie chairs in the lobby were Mar-size, but the sofas were JUST RIGHT (wake-up Mar - we have many things to see & photograph!).

Just to have a stress-free morning with no responsibilities made Mar very happy.

There was a man talking on the phone and using his laptop in front of the fireplace. The nerve! If you look closely, you can see the top of his head.

Out at the pool, all was quiet and still. Just the way a Sunday morning should be.

Ooh! I see light fixtures!

I don't think I'd ever noticed these butterfly laden lights before.

At 6am, our food options were limited. Storyteller's wasn't ready for us.

Back inside, this little coffee shop helped stave off the pangs of hunger with a few pastries and muffins.

This would look great in my house.

I also love the artwork at the Grand Californian; the plain air and impressionistic style paintings are fantastic. What a collection!

Eventually, we all cleaned ourselves up and headed to the park. Adventureland sparkled on what turned out to be a beautiful day.

Indiana Jones helped us work up an appetite for brunch.

Where's my decoder card when I need it?

I love the green mist that comes out of this serpent's head.

See you next time, Indy—thanks for the ride!

One Brady Bunch-style photo in the Court of Angels before brunch.

We were fortunate to be able to enjoy Club 33 on this perfect spring day.

This little harpsichord/spinet is one of my favorite pieces at the Club; if only someone was playing it.

The table setting was enhanced by a gorgeous red rose.

Brunch wouldn't be complete without a visit from Mickey & Pluto.

Or a trip out to the balcony:

What a view!

Sorry, can't help myself...the light fixtures were calling to me like the sirens' song:

Mar couldn't control herself at the dessert buffet:

The Trophy Room:

One final look out the window, and then it was time to go back to reality.

Happy Mother's Day—I hope you are all being spoiled today!

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my Disneyland website.


  1. I really like the Adventureland roofline shots. Great coloring!

    Thanks for the update on Disneyland. You did a beautiful job. Especially on the interior images. I'll have to make it out there this summer. It's been five years too long.

  2. Good guys had fun. :)

  3. I want that blue light.

  4. Love some of those details...
