Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another May Trip Report, Pt. 2

Today's trip report is heavy on the photos, light on the news. Hope you are all in a visual mood today! After a delicious dinner at Cafe Orleans, we wandered around the streets of New Orleans Square and clicked till we practically wore out the shutters on our cameras.

MORE light fixtures; something about the flickering of a gas flame that really adds to the atmosphere of this area (and Main Street).

Mlle. Antoinette's Shop certainly adds a pungent aroma to the air!

A stop at The Court of Angels is always a must.

Matt & Michaela caught in action again.

I went back to the Haunted Mansion, making up for my previous attempt that was interrupted by the dinner bell. I just love this guy.

I never tire of the surprise of each portrait as it unfurls.

Not sure who started the "tradition" of screaming your lungs out when this guy shows up, but I sure wish it would stop.

The festive ballroom, where it's always New Year's Eve:

This Cocteau-inspired sconce has always been a favorite of mine:

All three of us visited the Caribbean. How about switching these over to gas?

This storm is always a highlight of my trip:

Marc Davis sure captured the joy on this drunk's face:

More fun drunks:

This poor group of reprobates gets the shaft because there's no dog near their cell:

As with all vacations, they must come to an end...

and then you must leave (good excuse to shoot some signage!):

Next on the itinerary was a spin through the night. Other than this introductory photo, no decent photos resulted from this particular adventure!

Leaving New Orleans (sounds like a bad Nicolas Cage movie), the Castle was next:

I even spent some time in Pixie Hollow (just the exterior, not the "attraction"):

Since it'd been awhile, I visited Alice; she too often gets the shaft on my visits. Down...

down, down, the rabbit hole:

Alice is really a charming attraction; maybe not full of "wow" moments, but definitely a pleasant way to spend some time.

A little bi-polar, but that's okay!

Tea, anyone?

More dark rides to come in part 3! See more vintage & current Disneyland photos on my Disneyland web page.


  1. These are some gorgeous shots Dave. Both the evening images with the lights and the dark rides are all mighty fine. Well done!

  2. Your Fantasyland dark ride photos are some of the best I've seen. You have just the right amount of light where you can see the scene clearly, but dark enough to hide the evidence of black painted walls and paint splotches on the props. In fact the colors almost have a velvety texture to them. Your photos truly bring out the black-light/fluorescent color quality of these classic attractions. Beautiful!

    Now can you take a trip back in the time machine and photograph Rainbow Caverns for us?

  3. rusty6:48 PM

    Great trip report. And, as always, your photos are just spectacular. I've only recently found this site and I'm just loving it. Nice job!!

  4. Thanks all for the nice comments; thanks to my many visits there, I am able to take my time with each shot and learn from the many mistakes I have made with my exposures in the past! If only I had my camera back in the days of Rainbow Caverns...
