Sunday, April 15, 2012

TPE: Vintage POTC Journey

We're only going to spend a few days in New Orleans Square for my Time Travel Trip, beginning with a completely vintage journey through the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. The majority of these photos are from the first few years that it was open. Remember when there was no overpass in front of Pirates? I have to admit I like it better WITH that change.

Long lines are not a new thing, as can be see in this April 1968 photo:

I can't get over how different it looks to see a flat surface in front of the POTC entrance:

There are two ways you can see the Blue Bayou at Disneyland; via the atmospheric restaurant:

or on the POTC attraction itself:

Even if I rode POTC a hundred times in a row, I am sure each time I could find a new detail to marvel over:

Approaching the Wicked Wench, back when it was inhabited by Blackbeard, not Barbossa:

Poor Carlos...he may not be a "cheeken," but he certainly is wet:

The scene I look forward to most, each time I ride:

The Red-Headed-Wench looks just as good today as she did in this July 2, 1967 image:

Wouldn't you love to see the Auctioneer show up on "Storage Wars"?

Back when men were allowed to chase women; I still can't figure out why the reverse is okay.

I could get on my soapbox about the changes in this scene, but I've already been down that road many a time.

This maiden has ALWAYS been the aggressor:

It's probably a good thing The Three Stooges haven't become a Disney franchise; I can only imagine what the fate of these Three Minstrels would turn out to be:

Almost 50 years later, this scene still keeps guests on the edge of their...boat:

The pigs in this scene are classic Marc Davis:

Imagine being known for the hair on your legs:

I wonder how many guests have attempted to touch this dog?

Just a few changes to this Pirate's hairdo over the years:

Last but not least, the treasure one originally saw at the exit of Pirates of the Caribbean:

Stay tuned for another vintage attraction journey here at Daveland!

See more vintage & current Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean attraction photos on my Pirates of the Caribbean web page.


  1. Great pictures, thanks. I totally miss the old (non-pc)version with cowering wenches galore and no Jack or Barbosa.

  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

    When I was young I used to get so turned on by that hairy leg!

  3. "Shift your cargo deary. Show 'em your larboard side"

  4. Still Disneyland's signature ride, even all Depp'd up.

  5. I think the changes here hurt the most. Fortunately some can be reversed, but we will never go back to that '60's attitude toward the womenfolk.

    Which is ok, I guess, in life, but POC? it's just a joke folks, get over it.

